A platit 22 de mii de dolari ca sa arate precum Kim Kardashian. "Mi-am distrus viata!"

Femeia de 27 de ani din Marea Britanie a devenit celebra pe internet acum cativa ani pentru faptul ca semana cu Kim Kardashian.


Totul a inceput in 2007. Avea 18 ani, iar prietenii i-au spus ca semana foarte bine cu celebra Kim Kardashian . Fata n-a stat mult pe ganduri. A platit 23 de mii de dolari pentru implanturi mamare, implanturi fesiere,  produse cosmetice si haine care s-o faca sa semene cat mai mult cu Kardashian. Odata cu celebritatea a inceput si cosmarul. Oamenii au inceput s-o hartuiasca. Pe de o parte ,fanii lui Kim Kardashian o detestau pentru ca incerca sa semene cu preferata lor.  De cealalta parte, cei care o urasc pe Kardashian se purtau foarte urat  cu ea.


my nan told me to post this and rub it all in thier faces! so obviously this the face that is too pretty for @instagram and too pretty for life the all the biggest female celebs out there are jealous of me and have to make commercials to try and bully me off???? coz there scared they can't stand out next to me and apart from my true following everyone eles is far too jealous to like my stuff now that makes me very original! how many of them can say people are too intimidated to like Thier stuff not even instagram can put me about coz Im such a weapon x they ignore the genuine things I say because they can't see past my looks so if they wanna be that arrogant and dismiss a persons feelings because you are jealous of the way they look then they you can face the repercussions of it. just to let those peeps know no one with jealousy in thier heart will be going to heaven so if u look at the percentage of people liking my stuff and weigh it up to jealous bastards that don't we can safely see the percentage of who's going to heaven and hell lol and the sad fact is all this jealousy, but in my world my life does not revolve around my looks so therefore it's your problem not mine. but these silly people trying g to bully me off if only they really knew how big they were making my head lol it really makes me laugh that you must think I wanna express what's going on, and people have the cheek to assume I'm gonna just drop the subject and not rebuke it back onto these women get real if they want me to stop talking about it then I suggest they leave me and my family alone and that way I can forgive and forget and we can move on but until they leave me and my family alone until then I'm going to keep expressing what these ladies do not wanna hear I'm not a vain person but if the shoe fits with these haters then I'm gonna let them wear it x

O fotografie postată de claireleeson (@claireleeson_xx) pe

9 ani mai tarziu, se plangea in Daily Mail: "Mi-a ruinat viata. Am fost ridiculizata. Oamenii nu inteleg ca nu este un compliment pentru mine sa fiu comparata cu Kim. Asta chiar ma supara. Ma simt ca o idioata si regret ca am vrut sa seman cu ea." 


night night xxx

O fotografie postată de claireleeson (@claireleeson_xx) pe

Leeson se plange ca toata povestea i-a afectat si cariera de actrita si spera sa scape cat mai curand de povara asemanarii cu Kim Kardashian. " Sunt multi cei care insista sa recunosc ca m-am operat si la fata. Nu este adevarat"- spune tanara, care nici macar nu seamana atat de bine cu Kim. 


princess ????clairebear???? x

O fotografie postată de claireleeson (@claireleeson_xx) pe

  • A platit 22 de mii de dolari ca sa arate precum Kim Kardashian. Mi-am distrus viata!

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