Un sportiv celebru a murit dupa ce s-a inecat cu mancare. Familia este socata. Avea doar 26 de ani

Dallas McCarver a fost gasit fara suflare in locuinta sa din Florida de catre un prieten. 

Tag-uri: #Dallas McCarver

Tanarul in varsta de 26 de ani de-abia vorbise la telefon cu iubita lui Dana Brooke, vedeta in wrestling. Potrivit acesteia, sportivul s-ar fi inecat cu mancare. Mama lui Dallas McCarver crede altceva. Femeia este ferm convinsa ca fiul ei s-a stins din cauza consumului de suplimente pe baza de proteine. 


Sportivul a mai avut probleme si al inceputului anului, cand s-a prabusit chiar in mijlocului unui concurs de culturism. 

„Sfarsitul lunii august a mai primit un inger , iar acesta este chiar iubitul meu Dallas. In numele familiei, va multumesc pentru suportul si dragostea oferita. Dallas m-a invatat sa imi gasesc calea si sa merg cu capul sus. Dallas a fost un om exceptional, un bodybuilder excepţional”, este mesajul postat de scris Dana Brooke pe retelele de socializare. 


❤️So here it goes, I'll try & be short-- aug 22 the lord received another angel, who happens 2 be my LIFE- MY Dallas the one WHO ONLY UNDERSTOOD ME! I can speak on the behalf of his family-- the love and support you all are showing for him & us is OVERWHELMING!! Dallas would always tell me "just keep swimming his little pengutimous (hippo mixed with penguin)" he would tell everyone the same -- just keep swimming, keep moving through life and he will be your angel above!! He had a way with making people laugh!! Dallas was an exceptional body builder, but I didn't see him for that .. I saw him for HIM AND HIS HEART!! He is the best individual I have ever met-- my ying to my yang.. finished my sentences and knew what I was thinking before I'd say it!! We had it all figured out - new WWE superstar "Big country" & "country strong" mixed tag team!!! -- you were my life , you are my life, I still smell u and feel ur presence, NEVER LEAVE MY SIDE -- like I have always asked; and u said NO NEVER Mrs. McCarver -- I had your back and I knew you had mine!! Your our angel-- STAYED TUNED FOR A NONPROFIT I have started -- and as well as a memorial service as details will be out soon! #rip #myangel #mydallas #dallasmccarver #dteam #raw #ifbb #bodybuilding #losingalovedone #myheart #wwe #justkeepswimming #soulmate #swolemate #bestfriend #love #pray #faith #staystrong

O postare distribuită de ashasebera Dana Brooke WWE (@ashasebera_danabrooke) pe

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