Isi intrece propriile fiice in frumusete si nimeni nu ghiceste care dintre ele este mama. Cum arata cele trei

Diferenta dintre Christie Brinkley si cele doua fiice ale sale, in varsta de 31 si 18 ani, a fost observata in repetate randuri, ba chiar cele doua tinere au fost criticate pentru ca nu sunt la fel de frumoase. 

Dupa ce au facut senzatie cu aparitia in Sports Illustrated, fetele Brinkley au impresionat pe covorul rosu, la lansarea oficiala a publicatiei, din New York.

Asa cum si-a obisnuit deja fanii, Christie si-a eclipsat fiicele. In varsta de 63 de ani, unul dintre cele mai in varsta modele ale vremii arata impecabil, inclusiv imbracata intr-o salopeta rosie, perfect mulata pe formele corpului.

Fiicele sale au purtat rochii indraznete si au afisat un look cool, ce ar fi putut capta toata atentia, daca nu erau insotite de mama lor. :)

Christie Brinkley a aparut in Sports Illustrated de mai multe ori de-a lungul timpului, chiar si trei ani la rand, iar frumoasa blonda a povestit pentru cei de la People ca de fiecare data si-a spus ca este ultima ocazia in care mai pozeaza in bikini. Faptul ca i s-a propus sa pozeze acum alaturi de fiicele sale a convins-o sa incerce din nou, desi fotografia care apare pe coperta publicatiei o plaseaza tot pe ea in centru atentiei.


My First Sports Illustrated Cover in 1979! It was shot in one of the most magical places in the world ... a place where every island in the chain has its own distinct personality. The Seychelles Islands are found off the coast of Madagascar. I travelled there from Los Angeles and it took me almost 4 days just to get there but it was so worth it! On the island called Pralin we stayed in huts on a beach and the door to my hut didn't even go near the ground so I could see the fishermens feet as they walked by and I could hear the waves and birds and coco de mer on the wind was Magical! La Digue Island had the most gorgeous beaches that you had to crawl thru tunnels under giant boulders to access! Transportation was by ox cart. Bats were a local delicacy! On Bird Island the sand was pink and the bugs came in every color! I loved my Sports Illustrated Adventures and sm soooo grateful for the memories! Thank you @si_swimsuit #seychellesisland #photoshoot #sishoot

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  • Isi intrece propriile fiice in frumusete si nimeni nu ghiceste care dintre ele este mama. Cum arata cele trei

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