"Sunt propriul meu geaman." Motivul suprinzator pentru care tanara din imagini are pielea in doua culori diferite

Taylor Muhl are o cariera de model, iar imaginile pe care le face publice au atras atentia publicatiilor internationale. Tanara are pielea de pe abdomen colorata in doua culori diferite, fara sa sufere de vreo boala de piele.

Desi Taylor si familia ei au banuit intotdeauana ca femeia ar fi avut un frate sau o sora geamana, acesta nu a venit niciodata pe lume. In schimb, trupurile lor au fuzionat, iar asta s-a transformat intr-un semn din nastere foarte special.

Fenomenul este cunoscut in medicina sub numele de Chimerism, insa simptomele sunt de obicei altele. Pot aparea semne mici sau modificari ale organelor interne, nicidecum ceva atat de vizibil ca la Taylor. Se pare ca femeia si-a dat seama de asta dupa ce a urmarit un documentar despre Chimerism, difuzat la televizor.


My secret is... I AM MY OWN TWIN! I have a genetic condition called, Chimersim. I'm a fraternal twin who absorbed my sibling in the womb. I carry my twins genetic make up within my own body, which is the second color skin pigmentation on my torso. There's only 100 cases documented in the world at this time. I'm on a mission to spread Human Chimera awareness and what it can entail. _ To hear details about my condition and story watch today's episode of @thedoctorstv on @cbstv (LA time) at 2:00pm. _ This photo was shot outdoors in natural light, in cold weather by the amazing @jimjordanphotography My twins genetic make up always shows on my torso, but when my body temperature is cold the pigmentation is more prominent, then when my body temperature is lukewarm. _ I felt it was important to show my entire physical demarcation because... In the entertainment business there's an overwhelming amount of pressure to appear physically perfect or within a certain physical stereotype. I hope by showing my own imperfections I can inspire others who have physical abnormalities or who are different, to never let that stop them from pursuing their dreams, to love themselves unconditionally and to know they're beautiful just the way they are! #taylormuhl #humanchimera

A post shared by Taylor Muhl (@taylormuhl) on


A post shared by Taylor Muhl (@taylormuhl) on

"Cand eram mica, imi intrebam mereu mama daca am avut un geaman. Ma jucam mereu cu prietenele mele, pretinzand ca suntem gemene si imbracandu-ne la fel. Mama mea era foarte confuza", a mai povestit blonda celor de la Daily Mail.
Desi se rusina de semnul de pe trupul sau, in adolescenta, Taylor isi doreste acum sa atraga atentia asupra faptului ca nimeni nu trebuie sa se simta inhibat de semnele fizice si ca fiecare poate fi frumos, indiferent de cum arata. Si are dreptate. :)

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  • Sunt propriul meu geaman. Motivul suprinzator pentru care tanara din imagini are pielea in doua culori diferite

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