Courtney Stodden, atac dur la adresa lui Brian Austin Green. Ce i-a reproșat actorului cu care s-a zvonit că a avut o relație

Presa de scandal din America a scris în vară despre o posibilă relație între Courtney Stodden și Brian Austin Green, după ce aceștia au fost surprinși împreună. 

Informația a fost dezmințită de ambele părți, iar Courtney Stodden a explicat că a fost o întâlnire de afaceri, iar legătura dintre ei pare să nu se fi terminat prea bine.

Vedeta de 26 de ani nu ezită să îl atace pe actor, iar în cea mai recentă postare pe Instagram a făcut același lucru.

Courtney Stodden i-a luat partea lui Megan Fox care l-a atacat pe fostul soț că se folosește de copii pentru imagine. 


I’m so proud of Megan for speaking up about the way Brian seems to use his kids as a flex. During my time spent with him, when I was over at his house, his kids were never there. They were always with Megan. She wasn’t an absent mother. And yet, like she says - she doesn’t plaster them all over her social. There were times Brian would tell me that he couldn’t see me because he had his kids - and I later found out that this wasn’t true, he was actually just seeing other women at those times. Like, dude - you’re allowed to see other people, just be honest about it. To me and to them. And don’t use your kids as your lie. Brian had been lying to many women at once about being exclusive with them. Before knowing this, I posted a video of him and I together to my IG. He said he was “disappointed” about this. Really, he was just disappointed that my vid cost him a couple other booty calls who didn’t know they were booty calls. Then he started posting loads of pictures of his kids, acting like this doting single dad. It was clearly an attempt to protect his image, using them. How could all of us women who he’d tried to play be mad at such a loving father? He soon lost interest in “working” with me on music (when he never actually did) when he realized I wasn’t giving it up. The whole experience was a bit gross. Women and children are not props. How long until men realize this? #brianaustingreen #meganfox #truth

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”Sunt mândră de felul în care Megan a vorbit despre felul în care Brian pare să se folosească de copii. De-a lungul timpului pe care l-am petrecut cu el, când am fost acasă, copiii nu erau acolo. Erau mereu cu Megan. Nu a fost o mamă absentă. Și nici nu îi expune mereu pe social media”, a spus Courtney. 

Brian Austin Green și Megan Fox au format unul dintre cele mai frumoase și sexy cupluri de la Hollywood vreme de 10 ani. Împreună au trei copii, însă de curând cei doi s-au despărțit definitiv. Aparent, Megan Fox a fost cea care l-a părăsit pe Brian Austin Green pentru rapperul Machine Gun Kelly.

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  • Courtney Stodden, atac dur la adresa lui Brian Austin Green. Ce i-a reproșat actorului cu care s-a zvonit că a avut o relație

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