În timp ce Brigitte face mişcare muncind din greu în Fermă, sora ei practică o mulţime de sporturi! La 38 de ani arată ca la 20

La vârsta ei, arată ca o păpuşă, dar îşi menţine forma cu sport şi cu o atitudine pozitivă.

Mărturie stă contul ei de Instagram, care e plin de fotografii ce o imortalizează pe Cristina practicând diferite sporturi. Azi e la yoga, mâine la sală, poimâine la echitaţie, după care o vezi pe bicicletă. Iar rezultatele sunt foarte...pozitive. După cum se vede cu ochiul liber.

Mai mult, în postările sale, sora lui Brigitte îi indeamnă pe cei care îi urmăresc contul de Instagram să îşi găseascăa şi ei timp să facă mişcare şi să... zâmbească. 

Cristina Szeifert e versiunea mai mică şi blondă a lui Brigitte. Are 38 de ani, e fost model internaţional, coach şi speaker motivaţional. În plus faţă de sport, Cristina îşi urmează cea mai mare pasiune: pictura. Puţini ştiu că blonda e talentată şi ea însăşi mărturiseşte că se simte extraordinar în faţa şevaletului. În orice moment însă, fie că pictează, fie că face sport sau...coaching, Cristina nu renunţă la ţinutele şi la atitudinea sexy. 



Creating a routine each morning to stretch is important for more than just peace of mind. Morning stretching can help improve flexibility, prevent aches and pains, and can get your blood flowing. Increased Flexibility The most common benefit of stretching is increased flexibility. With most people working at a desk these days, it is important to improve or at least maintain flexibility to stay healthy. Sitting at a desk can cause certain muscles to loosen, such as back and glute muscles, while allowing other muscles, like chest and hip flexors to tighten. It’s important to open up these tight muscles to prevent injury, increase range of motion, and improve posture. Prevent Aches and Pains Morning stiffness is very common. After sleeping for 8 hours, fluid around the joints and spinal discs increases, creating joint discomfort and stiffness. Gentle stretching increases blood flow and helps move that fluid away from the joints, alleviating pain and stiffness. A few minutes of stretching can also keep your spine supple and agile, preventing back pain. Muscles tightness, either from exercise the day before, or from your body’s sleeping position, can be alleviated by stretching and lengthening your muscles. Increased Blood Flow Gently stretching helps raise your body’s temperature by getting the blood flowing from the core of the body out to the extremities. Increasing blood flow helps circulation and delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the rest of your muscles and organs. Increasing circulation can also help improve and restore energy throughout the day. Mental Clarity With increased blood flow throughout the body your brain also has increased blood flow. This blood flow to the brain increases concentration and focus for the rest of the day. It also accelerates endorphins to the brain helping relieve stress and anxiety. Stretching can also help release mental tension and improve mental wellness.

O postare distribuită de Cristina Szeifert (@cristinaszeifert) pe


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