Ce sa NU spui la prima intalnire. Minciuni pe care sa le eviti daca nu vrei sa fii prinsa cu mata-n sac

Ai ales tinuta, coafura si machiajul perfecte, dar dupa ore intregi de pregatiri, ultimul lucru la care te-ai mai gandit a fost subiectul de discutie pe care il vei aborda. Nu-ti face griji! Iti venim in ajutor cu idei despre ce sa NU spui la prima intalnire.

Nu te preface ca:

> Te pricepi la paintball, fotbal, handbal, tenis si alte sporturi pe care nu le urmaresti. Nu-i spune ca te uiti la wrestling sau seriale de investigatii daca tu te plictisesti in primele 5 minute si muti pe un post de moda sau muzica. Da, e firesc sa vrei sa fii pe aceeasi lungime de unda cu el si sa vrei sa-l impresionezi, mai ales daca stii ca pe el il pasioneaza unul dintre lucrurile de mai sus. Daca minti insa, isi va da seama la un moment dat si va fi ciudat pentru voi.

> Esti sportiva si poti oricand sa participi la maraton. Daca ai de-a face cu un impatimit al miscarii fizice, e posibil sa te legi la cap fara sa te doara si sa te pui singura intr-o situatie delicata. Va vrea sa alergati impreuna, sa mergeti la sala impreuna, iar tu te vei face de ras dupa primele 30 de secunde pe banda.

> Intelegi perfect cu ce se ocupa. Il intrebi cum isi castiga existenta si iti vorbeste in termeni vagi, pe care doar el ii intelege? Nu te preface ca stii exact ce spune, ci intreaba-l si roaga-l sa-ti explice. Daca e pasionat de ce face, se va simti foarte bine sa te vada atat de interesata.









Don't pretend...
...that you like paintball. Same goes for baseball, fly fishing, watching slasher flicks, or any other hobby that you’ve tried and you’re sure by now that you don’t like. It’s natural to want to establish some common ground after hearing he's into something, but if you lie, the second date he plans will result in some major welts (seriously, why is paintball so painful?), boredom, and misunderstandings.

...that running is your jam. If you find yourself out with a CrossFit enthusiast or marathoner, resist the urge to embellish just how much you love running. Otherwise, you’ll be signing yourself up for some very sweaty Saturday mornings, and not the sexy kind you like either.

...that you totally understand what he does for a living. If he has one of those vague-sounding jobs that sound, um, made-up, go ahead and ask him to explain his career. And if it's just something you don't hear about every day, don't be shy to ask—it won't make you sound clueless if you don't know what an “algorithmic biologist” is (BTW it’s a thing, I looked it up). If you don't ask now and you end up hitting it off, the question will loom in your mind like a dark cloud.

...that you can drink like a sailor. If you get tipsy off one glass of rosé, more power to ya—please tell me your secret. But trying to keep up with him drink for drink will probably end in some regret, or at least a wicked hangover.

But maybe you should pretend...
...that you’re over your ex. 
If your date starts chatting about the girl who got away, you should, well, get away. And by that logic, leave the boy who broke your heart out of the conversation too. You can learn a lot about yourself from past relationships and bad breakups, but it's not something to share with someone the first night you meet. If you're not completely over your last guy (but you're almost there), just fake it till you make it.

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